Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

Praises & Requests

  • Urgent prayer requested for Allen Roth.  Allen was readmitted to the hospital tonight (10/20) with a fever and worsening illness.  CT scans show another infection has developed in his liver.  He has been started on IV antibiotics and will be seen by an Infectious Diseases Physician in the morning for further care.  Please lift him up in prayer for God's healing and wisdom for his physicians.  (10/20)   

  • Please pray for Jan Pullen, one of our former members now living in Stockton, CA.  Her husband, Lowell, died unexpectedly Thursday (10/10) night.  He has had some heart and lung issues, but had been home about a week and a half from Rehab and seemed to be doing well.  Please pray for God's blessings of peace and comfort during their grief.  (10/12)

  • Mark Zyhylij requests prayers for his roommate, Scott and Scott's mother, Donna.  She had a fall a couple of days ago while playing Pickle Ball and sustained a fractured hip.  She was scheduled to have surgery today (10/12) to repair her hip.  Please pray for her recovery.  (10/12)

  • Prayer request for Sharon Slaybaugh. Let’s be in prayer for Sharon and Mitch Slaybaugh. Sharon is seemingly in the closing days of her life but her faith is present and strong. We need to pray for her comfort and peace. We should also pray for her husband Mitch who needs the strength and stamina to do his best for his precious wife. May their days be filled with love, hope and peace. (10/3)

  • Les Sturges passed away to his rest in Jesus at 5:30 am on Thursday morning, 10/3. He had suffered three strokes in the past three weeks, the last of which left him unresponsive. Please lift up his family in prayer for peace and guidance. (10/3)

  • Pray for Bonnie Schonbachler who is needing another corrective surgery on her back. She has an appointment on Wednesday, 10/2, with her special surgeon. Pray that a date will be set for her next surgery. Pray for encouragement as she has patiently waited a while already.  (9/29)

  • Please pray for Ron Mitchell who was in the hospital last week. He is home now and has follow-up appointments on Monday, 9/30, with his primary Doctor and with a Urologist on Tuesday, 10/1.  Pray for the doctor's wisdom for his continued care.  (9/29)

  • Update on Bernadine Carr.   Bernadine remains at home on hospice care.  She is not in any pain but does have some vomiting several times a day.  She is mostly on a clear liquid diet.  Their daughters are taking turns staying with them to provide care and support.  Both her and husband, Clifford, are in strong faith and at peace that God is caring for them.  They feel blessed to have celebrated 69 years of marriage this past summer.   Please continue to lift them up in prayer during this difficult time.  May God grant them strength and peace as the future unfolds.  (9/28)

  • Clara Kelly request:  "My son's girlfriend, Christine, is very sick in the hospital with cyclical vomiting syndrome (CVS).  It's basically intermittent periods of vomiting that may go on for days.  They haven't been able to figure out what is causing it.  My son is very concerned about her. As are all of us.  I would appreciate her being added to the prayer list."   (9/27)
Pray for those affected by the wars in Russia and Ukraine and those in Israel and Palestine.  Pray for an end to the evil we are seeing in our world.  May Jesus come quickly.